Director Roopa Rao, known for her acclaimed film Gantumoote, aimed to capture the life journeys of her characters in the story. While fans are still captivated by the impact of Gantumoote, Roopa has announced her next project, Gochara, distancing it from Gantumoote by striking out the idea of Gantumoote 2. "I want viewers to understand that Gochara is not a sequel to Gantumoote but rather has a connection to it. The specifics are meant for the audience to uncover when they watch the film," states Roopa.
Roopa shares that Gochara was inspired by her personal reflections on solo travel. She explains, "My solo trips have raised questions about managing alone and the common query of whether I have someone familiar meeting me at my destination for others' peace of mind. This sparked the idea of exploring a woman's solo journey, both internally and externally."
In Gochara, Roopa delves into conversations with women on their solo travel challenges, highlighting that it's not the act of a woman traveling but the perceptions of men witnessing it that form the narrative. The protagonist's travels across India promise diverse experiences, aiming to empower female viewers and challenge male perspectives. Roopa aims to evoke a sense of liberation for women and provoke a shift in men's perspectives through her film.